Spread Kindness

One Action to Change the World

Acts of Kindness

The World Needs More Kindness

Kids sharing juicebox

Why Spread Kindness?

In the chaos of today, the world needs a little more kindness. Being in a global pandemic for multiple years is not exactly a mental health booster. Watching the news is depressing- we see all of the negative events in the world highlighted into an hour long video. The way that one rises above these events is through reaching out to those around them. A solid support system goes a long way today. Sometimes, all one needs is a little reassurance that they will be okay. Personally, I rely on this quite a bit. My friends do not have to tell me that they like my outfit, or that I am doing well in something, but they choose to because they are kind people.

Kindness is underrated in today's world. Do you remember the last time a someone complimented you? How did it make you feel? I know that an unexpected compliment can turn a day around for me. Wouldn't you like to be that person to make someone else's day a little better? Remember- we cannot help others until we help ourselves. You must be kind to yourself so that you have the energy to help others. One cannot expect to be able to make a difference when they are running on fumes. Treat yourself with love so that you have enough love to give to others.

Examples of Kindness

Compliment Ideas

Some Topics to Consider
Personality Appearance Lifestyle
Compliments Kindness Outfit Doing great
Intelligence Hair Work ethic
Funny Smile Time management
Source: https://www.verywellmind.com/positivity-boosting-compliments-1717559