Spread Kindness

One Action to Change the World

Kind People

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks

About Rosa

Rosa Parks is an activist best known for her role in the Montgomery bus boycott. Parks refused to let the bus driver change a row of four "colored" section seats into one for a white passenger. This led to a movement against racial segregation. Later in her life, Parks organized the release of political prisoners, mainly those involving self-defense. She also co-founded the Rosa L. Parks Scholarship Foundation for high school seniors looking to attend college.




About Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer who inspired civil rights movements across the globe. After graduating high school in India, he had a child with his wife Kasturba. Gandhi was advised to pursue law school in London, but his mother did not approve of him leaving his wife and child. So, he made a vow to abstain from meat, alcohol, and women. He became a civil rights activist in South Africa from 1893-1914, where he was the lawyer for a Muslim merchant. Over the years, he started many movements for peace, and campaigned against India's participation in World War II. He advocated for women's rights, vegetarianism, and nonviolence among many other things.


Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

About Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic nun and missionary. She founded the Missionaries of Charity, a congregation that manages homes for people who are dying of HIV/AIDS, leprosy, and tuberculosis. The members of this congregation take a vow to give "wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor." She went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, among various other honors. Although, she did have some controversial beliefs on some subject matters, but we will only focus on the positives on this site.


Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres
Vanity Fair

About Ellen

Ellen DeGeneres advocates for kindness in everyday life. She has raised tens of millions of dollars for various causes over the years, including:

Besides donating money, Ellen constantly voices how important she thinks spreading kindness is. She even has her own subscription box brand, "Be Kind." with sustainably sourced and cruelty free products. The proceeds of these boxes go to various causes, some including the ASPCA, providing masks for care workers, planting trees, providing jobs, etc.
