Spread Kindness

One Action to Change the World

Kindness in the Media

In the News

Dick Pontzloff

The Garbage Man

Residents in Appleton, Wisconsin are no strangers to acts of kindness. In the midst of winter, neighbors started to realize that on garbage days, their garbage cans were being moved back up their driveways. At first, the neighbors thought that it was the garbage company, after more investigating, they found that they were not the culprit. On the day before Christmas Eve, Melody Luttenegger left a gift for the person, and waited for them to come. At 8:21am, her 75 year-old neighbor, Dick Pontzloff, came up the driveway carrying her garbage cans. After retiring, Dick found himself tired of doing nothing, and started collecting everyone in the neighborhood’s garbage cans. I think many of us could learn from Dick’s action of kindness.


In Hollywood

Finding Nemo

Movies with Kindness

With all of the bad in the world, movies are a common place for many to escape. There are numerous movies that have kindness as the central theme running through them. We see animated movies like Meet the Robinsons, Finding Nemo, and Paddington which are all feel good movies. In each of these, we see other characters going out of their way to help someone they normally would not. There are also movies such as Wonder, Charlotte's Web, and Fly Away Home that embrace kindness. Putting these movies with kindness deep rooted into the plot is very important to society. In today's world we see enough tragedy, to have all of our movies filled with the same.


Top 5 Kindest Actors

Name Birthday Known for
Oprah Winfrey01/29/54Oprah Winfrey Show
Jennifer Lawrence08/15/90The Hunger Games
Tom Hanks07/9/56Forrest Gump
Taylor Swift12/13/89Many grammy nominated albums
Keanu Reeves9/2/64The Matrix